
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Monday, October 20, 2014


Its a beautiful day and if you don't believe me just look outside.  The trees are starting to turn.  The acorns are falling so heavy and hard that you would have terrible pain if you got hit by one on your head or elsewhere on your body.  My husband always said that when acorns cover the ground like this it meant a harsh winter.  Animals know to store lots of acorns because they are going to be in their dens for a long time.

There is this cute little squirrel (rather fat & plump squirrel) that sets on my deck rails and just eats away --he doesn't have a care in the world-just enjoying the moment.  Wouldn't it be nice to be like that--carefree. 

This weekend we drove down to Star City to check out this place call "The Village" ran and operated by the Amish.  They have a very nice operation going.  We found a "Book Store, Toy Store, Auto Garage, 3 Restaurants which do open until 5pm, etc.  The main reason I went was to see if we thought the Pioneers at church would want to go and I think they would enjoy seeing it. 

The other thing I wanted to see was if there was any color just yet and there was not much as a matter of fact very little Two weeks ago I went up towards Clarksville just see how much color was there and it had just barely started-- hardly any at all.  Just this past week,  I heard that the color up in the northern part of the state is not there yet either.  We are defiantly having a late fall.   We are suppose to go to Devils Den at the beginning of Nov. to see the fall color but I'm afraid that its not going to be there.   Devils Den is totally booked from now to sometime late Nov.  Lots of folks like to hike and that is the best place to go for hiking. 

Well I must get off this and on to some other things I need to get done today.  I'm trying to learn Lightroom 5.  I know that once I learn it I will never go to another program that's why I working on it so hard.  Its a very organized program and that's what I want. 

Ya'll have fun over the next few weeks and hopefully I'll will see you out in the "Wilderness". 

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