
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Never forget your extra equipment

Today I traveled to Garvin Gardens in Hot Springs.  I've been there before and had a splendid time and the flower/landscape was just out of this world.  Its really beautiful.  Several of the club members have been posting on Face Book and other sites how beautiful it was this year but with the cold and rainy weather I just have not made it there.  I decided at the last minute that I would make that trip since the weather was going to be perfect today(at least compared to what it has been).  Well when I got there I got out and scouted the area and felt pleased with what I saw.  First, I went to the chapel to began my photographing but there was a wedding going on so I turned and went down by the creek and thought this would be worth while.  I began to shoot and all of a sudden my camera died completely.  Not only could I not take photos but I could not even manually focus or shoot.  I never dreamed that my battery had died because I know a fresh one in before I left the house and no I did not have an extra one because I had my husband's bag and he never carries anything extra.  So I called Bedfords and talked to a sales rep who knew about Nikons and he said other than the battery he had know idea what it could be.  But I assured him that the battery had charged all night and was fully charged I was sure that's what the camera showed I just know it did.  Well he told me to bring it in to LR and he would look at it but that I would have to buy a battery because they no longer keep extras for D80 users.  I told him I would go home first and get a battery.

Well guess what when I walked into my bedroom there laid the "Battery" that I thought I had put in my camera.  I put the "fresh" battery in the camera and It worked fine except it still did not focus perfectly.  I took it to Bedfords and I think my censors are wearing thin something of that sorts.

It was a beautiful day.  It got of to the 70's I'm sure.  Spring has sprung and I want to be out in the Wilderness taking as many photos as I can.  I hope you will not let this pollen keep you in.

Come join me in the WILDERNESS.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Today we headed out toward our lake house in Hot Springs--taking care of some necessities.  We had to stop at the hardware store to get a few supplies and that took longer than expected.  Finally we made it there and decided it would be best to take care of our jobs and then go fishing  tomorrow.  The fishing didn't work out so we decided to head toward Little Missouri Falls and Crater of  Diamonds State Park. We decided to go to the Ouachita Vista which is close to our lake house but a large tree/stump had gotten caught at the bridge so we had to turn around.  We went through a town called Narmon and saw an old school/church ( looked to be over a 100 years old).  We stopped long enough to take a lot pictures of inside and outside.   Then we went to look for the falls.  We could see large amounts of water running in the creeks and knew that the falls were going to be full and running hard. While going down a gravel/dirt road, we came to a sudden halt, a tree had been washed up  and caught by another tree and since we did not have a chainsaw with us we had to turn around and go another way.  We kept following the creeks and found a nice waterfall close to the main road.  The water fall dropped about 4 to 5 feet and had a very large rock in the center diving the fall into a split making the water go into two directions and then there were several rocks where the water could run over them causing beautiful cascades.  This alone was worth the trip and then we headed on the the Little Missouri Falls.  This is a beautiful park and there is a real nice walkway and bridge to the falls and steps build down to the falls.  Its well worth the trip.  The falls are beautiful and that day it was running full with lots of cascades.  Its well worth the trip and the time it takes to walk down to the falls.  By the time we got to the Crater of Diamonds State Park it was after 5 and the park closes at 6.  There was a lot of information displayed concerning the Diamond Mines (its history) I was not interested in digging for diamonds so we left shortly thereafter.    

I will try to post some of the photos within the next few days.

All in all it was a wonderful day in the Wilderness--My kind of day! ! !

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April is here--where's Spring

Well April is here and I'm not sure Spring has sprung. True to form-- its raining and cloudy and cold. In a few days we are going to have some beautiful weather--temps and all.  There's not a lot we can do outside today but its a good day for catching up on paperwork ie: updating our photo files.

If you’re going out with the intention of photographing a specific type of animal, do a little
 quick research before you head out. Knowing their habits can give you an edge when it
 comes to getting great photographs.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

George Lepp Seminar & Spring Flowers

This past Saturday I attended the "George Lepp" seminar and just as the last 3 times
he did a terrific job.

He talked a lot about how the world of photography is changing and in a few years we will not take photos with a regular cameras but with a video type camera. When we want a still shot we will just make an adjustment or choose a shot and have it printed or sent somewheres.  The seminar lasted the whole day but it was well worth it.

For the past few weeks it has done nothing but rain and be cold.  I am ready (just as I sure a lot of folds are)for Spring.  Yesterday was a beautiful warm, sun shiny day and my husband and I planted lots of flowers.  If they all live we will have a beautiful yard which I think we already do anyway.  We went to a nursery called Gann's Garden and bought several plants and this was a lot cheaper than Home Depot or Walmart either one.  We planted at least one of each of these:  Monhiona, Sibernian Pea Shrub, Jacob's Ladder, Red Hot poker, Hellabore, Collenbian, Ivy, Nadinas, Rose of Sharon, Pink Garden Phlox, White Yarrow and a yellow Butterfly Bush.  You see what I mean! 

Come the middle of April I will be shooting photos of all sorts of flowers and want have to leave my yard.  That will truly be a lot of fun in my Wilderness.  I wish you the best when you out in your "Wilderness"