
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Friday, June 28, 2013

Rules for Beginners

I know we heard this over and over but sometimes we just forget.I went to a class on how to improve your outdoor photos.  And as I listen I thought how many times have I heard these things before but just don't think of it when I'm out in the field. for instance:  we all know that a large depth of field makes whole image sharp; 2)Be aware of how various lengths effect perspective, Long lenses flatten image wide lenses exaggerate the image, 3) Take a lot of photos, 4) Shoot vertical as well as horizontal. 5) Avoid clutter in our shots. 6) Avoid hot spots and other distracting elements,  7) Pull in tight, 8) Keep your photos simple,  9) Shoot from various positions, 10) be sure to bracket, 11) always be aware of the rule of thirds, 12) Shoot during early morning and late evening when the sun is diffused and low in the horizon, and shoot on overcast days as long as you can remove the sky. 13) Look for repetition and patterns, 14) Remember that no rule is chiseled in stone.  How many times have we heard that.

The weather was kind of strange here: rain some, cloudy some--but not at the same name and mostly hot.  When you go out driving you never know what you will find especially around water ! ! !

Muted Swan
Isn't this a pretty thing.  Its a muted Swan not a Trumpter Swan.  It is over by the Heart Hospital.  I'm so glad they are still there.   

I hope you are able to get out and about over the weekend.  Don't forget the fireworks will soon be here and I plan to be there.  Happy Days in the Wilderness.  Enjoy it the best you can.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Things are changing

As of today I will no longer be Southern Nature Photography.  It will be Sherry Clowers Griffin Photography. I will not have to have a paid  "Domain" for it since it is my own name.  When I went on the Internet to see how many Sherry Griffin it said there was over 150 others with that name.  So this should be very interesting indeed. 

Today the man is here putting electric post up for the swimming pool.  This was all suppose to start on June 3rd and be completed within 3 days.  It is now June 22nd and I don't have electricity to the pool nor the steps (I purchased) to get into the pool with.  They brought me a deck ladder but it is not attached since I should be getting the others.  This deck ladder is not a problem for me but for the other folks here they don't want to use it. I have been in the pool almost every day and sometimes more than once that day.  I loving it. 

At our photo club there were several photos taken of birds from the Huckleby place in Pine Bluff so on Friday I went there and walked the trail hoping to see some of them but I didn't only thing I saw was a couple of squirrels and lots of mosquitoes.  I plan to mark this in my datebook for Spring of 2014 and go there several times or maybe this October I will check it out.

Well its time for me to go and check the pool out.  I hope you have a great day in the Wilderness.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2013



One thing that was highly expressed by each of the Speakers at MAPSYM was to use a TRIPOD regardless of the type.  The pictures will be sharper.  Don’t buy a cheap one like at Walmart and think its going to work--it won’t.   Get a decent one--a sturdy one.  One with strong legs--it don’t have to be heavy (you can hang your bag on it) but it needs to be sturdy.  Don’t complain if the wind moves it—you get what you pay for.  This could be a onetime investment and that’s what it is just like your lens.  Mine is now 17 years old and works great.  Yes mine is heavy (they didn’t make lightweight back then); but, hey!  I’m building muscles. 
Its a great day in the Wilderness!  I hope you can get out and enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Pool

The men from Jeff Self Pool’s started on our pool on June 3, but was unable to get very far.  The ground was very wet under the top soil.  My husband jumped up and down on the area and you could see the ground bouncing.  I’d never seen anything like that before.  On the 2nd day they came out and poured cement on top of the area and mixed it in with the dirt so that the area would dry faster.  But who knows maybe this work.  They will be back tomorrow to see what to do next.  They have been putting in pools for like 16 years so I'm sure they have a few tricks up their sleeves. 


Wow! ! !   did I have a great time.  There's nothing like it for a photographer.  3 days of fun and excitement in Eureka Springs, AR.  It was great...  Meet old friends that you only know threw this group plus others who go for the same reason and making new ones.  On Friday night some of us went out and got burgers at one of the local restaurants.  The only fast foods restaurant there is:  a McDonald, a Pizza Hut and a Subway other than that--its sit down restaurants. Hashing over the last couple of years like young teenagers.  I love hearing about some of the things the others have tried, what equipment they've bought and what all they've gotten into--like I said we are like teenagers.   This is the only time we are probably willing on our own to stay up past midnight knowing our first shoot is at 7pm and then we are in classes until 5pm and then a 2 hour break till the next session at 7pm. and then we have a session at 9pm (with live models) until we decide to come back to the hotel that night and then Sunday's the same way it starts at 6:30am (a shoot down by the lake) Classes all day.  This day will last until 7pm.  Because I knew I would be so tired after the evening session and would not feel like driving for 4 hours I booked my room an extra day and boy was I thankful for that.  A few of us became ill on Sunday with colds manily having chills and sore thoats (I'm sure it was due to the wet/damp weather).  A few of my friends went home after lunch that day--mainly because they had to work or other plans for Monday but not me I wanted to stay for the entire thing.  The 4th class for the day was on Lightroom which was what I needed.  The teacher, Emily who was from Bentonville, was very good at explaining how to organize your files and how to set them up but she stopped a midget before I needed her to. Everyone wants to teach about Develope mode and I need more on Library mode.  My goal is to be good enought in Lightroom that I can teach it myself maybe I'll get to go to MAPSYM free would that be nice. 

Well, I guess I need to get off of here and go to work in Lightroom.  Besides its time for me to get out into the Wilderness and have some fun.