
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall Colors

This will be a great weekend for Fall Colors.  I will be heading to the Ozarks just like a lot of other photographers.  I bet you wont be able to get close to the Elk in Ponca.  Remember if you park there the rule is your tires cannot be on the white line of the road or the police can give you a ticket.  Be sure and watch not only for people but where you park as well.

Have you noticed the abundance of acorns this year.  From what I remember from working at the Forest Commission is that one year only one type of Oaks put out acorns and the next year the Red Oaks join them so this must be the year that all acorn bearing trees are putting out.  The other thing I've noticed is that the acorns are not full of holes so either the worm has not come out and is being lazy or else he is dead.  Squirrels love these little worms and I sure depends on them for body fat to survive the winter. 

It seems that this month has gone buy so fast.  I made plans to go to the Ozark and to Okahloma this weekend and did not realize that it was the same weekend until I went to make reservations and realized the dates were the same--Now I know a month is just not long enough.   

Well as you can imagine I got lots to do.  Not only for shooting photos but getting ready for Haloween which also slipped up on me.  Hope to see you in the wilderness and watch for those Hunters. 

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