
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Three Key Sharpness

Three Key Sharpness Tactics to be Used Together

l.  Keep the Shutter Speed Up
    Using shutter speeds that are too slow is one of the leading causes of unsharp images.

2.  Focus on the Eyes 
      Always use a single AF point in the viewfinder.  If you keep all of the AF points activated, the 
      lens tends to focus on the closest object, which may be the shoulder of the duck, rather than
      the face. 

3.  Use Excellent Technique
      Always use a tripod and ballhead for steadiness. 


  1. Whoa, Nelly! Easy, girl!
    Jussta dang varmint
    with fresh breath...

    Wanna see my
    oblong, dogged,
    zigzag, wildfire blogs
    whichr neurosurgeon
    precise with our scythe?
    Gitr done, Paw!

    O yeah!
    Jesus, the King of Kings, sez...
    I love you!!!

    1. Yeah, I'm a total pariah...
      yet, I'm going to Seventh-Heaven.
      Where you going?
      If 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust
      and if you dont yet know,
      lemme show you how to wiseabove...

      DATS D'FAK, Jak:

      When our soul leaves our body
      and we riseabove to meet our Maker,
      only four, last things remain:
      death, judgement, Heaven or Hell.
      (which is exactly what happened to me:
      Im an NDE - my colorFULL nomenclature).

      Find-out what RCIA is and join
      (ya might wanna check-out
      'Lui et Moi' by Gabrielle Bossis -
      a French writer, translated;
      a wonderfull novel which'll
      ROCK, YOUR, WORLD, earthling).

      Make Your Choice -SAW
      Google+: kold_kadavr_ flatliner
