I know we heard this over and over but sometimes we just forget.I went to a class on how to improve your outdoor photos. And as I listen I thought how many times have I heard these things before but just don't think of it when I'm out in the field. for instance: we all know that a large depth of field makes whole image sharp; 2)Be aware of how various lengths effect perspective, Long lenses flatten image wide lenses exaggerate the image, 3) Take a lot of photos, 4) Shoot vertical as well as horizontal. 5) Avoid clutter in our shots. 6) Avoid hot spots and other distracting elements, 7) Pull in tight, 8) Keep your photos simple, 9) Shoot from various positions, 10) be sure to bracket, 11) always be aware of the rule of thirds, 12) Shoot during early morning and late evening when the sun is diffused and low in the horizon, and shoot on overcast days as long as you can remove the sky. 13) Look for repetition and patterns, 14) Remember that no rule is chiseled in stone. How many times have we heard that.
The weather was kind of strange here: rain some, cloudy some--but not at the same name and mostly hot. When you go out driving you never know what you will find especially around water ! ! !
Muted Swan |
Isn't this a pretty thing. Its a muted Swan not a Trumpter Swan. It is over by the Heart Hospital. I'm so glad they are still there.
I hope you are able to get out and about over the weekend. Don't forget the fireworks will soon be here and I plan to be there. Happy Days in the Wilderness. Enjoy it the best you can.
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