
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Stoney Point Ranch

Yesterday we told the family about our purchase of the land and that we plan to move in approximately one year.  You could have heard a pin drop,  Its only 2 1/2 to 3 hours for most of you and you'll be able to stay overnight--there'll be plenty of beds.  We plan to have a couple of horses and we will still be close to Lake Ouachita--but Oh No you'd thought we were moving to the end of the earth.. 

Stoney Point will give me several more opportunities for photography as well as a way to be able to accomplish things without having to leave home so much.  It seems I'm always starting something to find I only get to do half of it. 

I've already taken several photos that I just love and can't wait to see this place in the different season.  Its going to be great and they'll come    See you in the Wilderness!  Have Fun.