
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Saturday, March 28, 2015

New Dates fo MAPSYM

I've lived in Arkansas all my life--every where you turn there is natural beauty.  Now that I'm retired I love to travel and go to lots of different places.  I keep a log of theses and list the date of what I've found:  what flowers are blooming, the different monuments, special events etc.  You never know when you might get to go back and try to improve on what you've done.

I've always loved and enjoyed MAPSYM in Eureka Springs and its only held every other year.  Every since I've learned of it---I plan my meetings around it.  Well this year they have changed the dates drastically.  I will be in Italy.  When I made my plans I tried to get the dates for it but could not--no one knew anything.  So now I feel really "upset" about it. (I had to use a nice word). This would have been my 5th time to go.    

The AOPC group is  going to give the horse racing trip a try one time.  They always do this on Sunday and to me that is sad. I prefer to be in church .  I am so thankful that that is what I choose to do. 

Well this Sunday will be in the 70's so here to ya.  See you in the Wilderness! ! !

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Days Lost

Its been a long time since I posted last.  I've been very busy traveling and I'm not done yet.  These last 5 months have been lots of fun but at the same so sad for me.  The weather is starting to change and at last Spring is almost here.  The trees are starting to put on new leaves and several different flowers are beginning to bloom.  I'm watching for the tulip trees to start blooming.  The Capitol building has lots of tulip trees on its grounds and you can get some really pretty shots of them.

Today is a very cloudy but cool day to be out taking pictures.  The finches are flying around everywhere.  Yesterday a hawk few into our yard and sat on tree branch for a log time,  If I'd had my camera sit up it would have made for a beautiful shot especially when he flew down to get something to eat.  But of course I did not.

Maybe now that Winter is over and Spring is on its way, I'll be seeing you in the Wilderness.  Happy Shooting!