The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas
Friday, October 24, 2014
This month "October" has really missed me up having 5 Wed, Thur, & Friday in it. I've gotten some of my meetings on the wrong day. Last night I went to my AOPC meeting but it was last week and it also missed up my eye appointment witch was also last week. Who Knows--Whats Next
Head to Petit Jean State Park. I saw some photos on "Facebook" that a friend of mine took last week. He said he felt like they would still be there so I thought I would head that way. The next two weeks are going to be such a busy time for me and not much of it will have anything to do with photography. Wish me luck I will be in the Wilderness most of the next two weeks hopefully I will have a little time to get the camera out. Fall Colors are here. Enjoy---I am.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Its a beautiful day and if you don't believe me just look outside. The trees are starting to turn. The acorns are falling so heavy and hard that you would have terrible pain if you got hit by one on your head or elsewhere on your body. My husband always said that when acorns cover the ground like this it meant a harsh winter. Animals know to store lots of acorns because they are going to be in their dens for a long time.
There is this cute little squirrel (rather fat & plump squirrel) that sets on my deck rails and just eats away --he doesn't have a care in the world-just enjoying the moment. Wouldn't it be nice to be like that--carefree.
This weekend we drove down to Star City to check out this place call "The Village" ran and operated by the Amish. They have a very nice operation going. We found a "Book Store, Toy Store, Auto Garage, 3 Restaurants which do open until 5pm, etc. The main reason I went was to see if we thought the Pioneers at church would want to go and I think they would enjoy seeing it.
The other thing I wanted to see was if there was any color just yet and there was not much as a matter of fact very little Two weeks ago I went up towards Clarksville just see how much color was there and it had just barely started-- hardly any at all. Just this past week, I heard that the color up in the northern part of the state is not there yet either. We are defiantly having a late fall. We are suppose to go to Devils Den at the beginning of Nov. to see the fall color but I'm afraid that its not going to be there. Devils Den is totally booked from now to sometime late Nov. Lots of folks like to hike and that is the best place to go for hiking.
Well I must get off this and on to some other things I need to get done today. I'm trying to learn Lightroom 5. I know that once I learn it I will never go to another program that's why I working on it so hard. Its a very organized program and that's what I want.
Ya'll have fun over the next few weeks and hopefully I'll will see you out in the "Wilderness".
There is this cute little squirrel (rather fat & plump squirrel) that sets on my deck rails and just eats away --he doesn't have a care in the world-just enjoying the moment. Wouldn't it be nice to be like that--carefree.
This weekend we drove down to Star City to check out this place call "The Village" ran and operated by the Amish. They have a very nice operation going. We found a "Book Store, Toy Store, Auto Garage, 3 Restaurants which do open until 5pm, etc. The main reason I went was to see if we thought the Pioneers at church would want to go and I think they would enjoy seeing it.
The other thing I wanted to see was if there was any color just yet and there was not much as a matter of fact very little Two weeks ago I went up towards Clarksville just see how much color was there and it had just barely started-- hardly any at all. Just this past week, I heard that the color up in the northern part of the state is not there yet either. We are defiantly having a late fall. We are suppose to go to Devils Den at the beginning of Nov. to see the fall color but I'm afraid that its not going to be there. Devils Den is totally booked from now to sometime late Nov. Lots of folks like to hike and that is the best place to go for hiking.
Well I must get off this and on to some other things I need to get done today. I'm trying to learn Lightroom 5. I know that once I learn it I will never go to another program that's why I working on it so hard. Its a very organized program and that's what I want.
Ya'll have fun over the next few weeks and hopefully I'll will see you out in the "Wilderness".
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Getting Started
I know I haven't done much writing or posting of photos lately but I hoping that changes. Its been a very busy Summer and it looks like the Fall is going to be that way too. While reading some notes from my AOPC club I found this. "Dailies" by Dewitt Jones He said to dedicate yourself to a regimented program and gifts may just seem to come your way" You know I do not know why I did not think of that before. I a very organized person normally, heck, folks fuss at me all the time because of it. This whole past 5 months has been crazy; I can't seem to complete anything and there never seems to be time for anything I want to do. I must start caring my camera with me more. I took my niece to the Mt. Ida fair but did I take my camera "NO" I thought it would be to much to haul around. Saw several things I would have liked to have taken pictures of but couldn't. On his website he shows a piece of wooden fence that with a little photoshop looks pretty good. I have wooden fences around me every where I go but have I taken a picture of it "NO". There are beautiful things all around us if we would just open our eyes and look at them. We just need to slow down and look at things. I plan to get out in the "Wilderness and change my routine and "SEE" what is out in front of me or around me. Hope to see you in the Wilderness.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
The end of summer
Ah! the weather is great. I went out and walked around in the Wilderness and could not believe my eyes. The weather was perfect--it was cool but yet warm. The wind was blowing just a little not to much to miss up a photo but just enough for things to catch your eye. This has been the strangest summer I've had in awhile so it seems.
This past weekend we left here on Friday going to Harrison for the Hot Air Balloon race but due to "lighting" in the area the race was cancelled. We walked around town and looked at some of the old buildings, Also the square was full of folks sitting up for a craft show and there was a show of corvettes. There were two 1967 corvettes (owned by a husband & wife team) There were some beautiful cars, of all colors and proud owners.
We stayed at the Hotel Seville. This was our 2nd time to stay here and it was just as delightful as our first. Like I said we had gotten off to see the Balloon Race by 6:30 and that had to be cancelled so we were back at the hotel for breakfast by 7:30. It was a mighty good breakfast fit for a King (Queen) too. Lots of hot coffee. By noon we had headed out to Fayetteville to see the Razorback ball game. They won 73 to 7. We met my daughter and her husband there. Its always fun when family's involved. We had a great time. We went to church in Fayetteville and then met with my nephew and his wife afterwards before heading home.
After this week I plan to be out in the Wilderness a lot. We no longer own a store and now both of us are retired and so we will be able to travel more. I hope I will see you out there. Do forget your tripod--its important you know.
This past weekend we left here on Friday going to Harrison for the Hot Air Balloon race but due to "lighting" in the area the race was cancelled. We walked around town and looked at some of the old buildings, Also the square was full of folks sitting up for a craft show and there was a show of corvettes. There were two 1967 corvettes (owned by a husband & wife team) There were some beautiful cars, of all colors and proud owners.
We stayed at the Hotel Seville. This was our 2nd time to stay here and it was just as delightful as our first. Like I said we had gotten off to see the Balloon Race by 6:30 and that had to be cancelled so we were back at the hotel for breakfast by 7:30. It was a mighty good breakfast fit for a King (Queen) too. Lots of hot coffee. By noon we had headed out to Fayetteville to see the Razorback ball game. They won 73 to 7. We met my daughter and her husband there. Its always fun when family's involved. We had a great time. We went to church in Fayetteville and then met with my nephew and his wife afterwards before heading home.
After this week I plan to be out in the Wilderness a lot. We no longer own a store and now both of us are retired and so we will be able to travel more. I hope I will see you out there. Do forget your tripod--its important you know.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Grand Canyon Trip
We plan to make a trip to the Grand Canyon to take a mule ride down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. There some of us will stay the night; others will stay in a hotel that night. Those of us who do not go down will spend the next day taking photos of the canyons. I think this will be a lot of fun and definate different than anything I've ever done before. I know it will be lots of fun and I will learn a lot I just hope the weather cooperates. This last time I was there it snowed the whole time. I got some beautiful photos but it sure was cold which I hardly felt. Thats how I have when shooting photos I don't feel a thing or know anything going on around me.
This nest weekend I would like go go back to the Ozarks and shoot the Smith Creek Area or the Alum Cove area
This nest weekend I would like go go back to the Ozarks and shoot the Smith Creek Area or the Alum Cove area
Falling Water Falls
On Friday, My husband decided to take a trip to look for some waterfalls. There had been a lot of rain in the northern part of the state so we decided this would be a good time to go. As usual I got my copy of Tim Ernest book and looked to see which would be good ones to go to but close enough so that we could do several in one to two days. The Falling water Scenic Drive seem like the best one. We headed toward Ben Hur up Hwy 16 to road 1205, This did pan out for us we were able to not only get a couple of waterfalls but we got to hike to a couple of other place and each time as we treked out we would find flowers as well as other things fun to photography. Totally we hike about 6 miles. It was a very nice day for doing this and beautiful weather. It did not rain the whole time. Weather was great. We saw lots of people out running around in the Wilderness which made us very happy; plus we need to lose weight
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Field Trip to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge
The AOPC, a photo club I belong to, will be coordinating a field trip to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in October 2014. This Refuge is just outside Eureka Springs. The day will be spent photographing the various lions, tigers, bears, and other animals there. The trip will be Saturday October 11, 2014. The meeting time and details for carpooling will be provided in a future meeting. Turpentine Creek runs a photographers tour behind the scenes taht will allow people inside one level of cages with special oversight. This will provide images without wires. These tours are a minimum of 2 hours long at the cost of $100 per hour per person. We are hoping to reduce the price even more if enough people sign up. The cost will be determined by how many will be attending and will be provided later this year.
The AOPC club meets every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 off Pleanant Valley Drive. See for more info.
The AOPC club meets every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 off Pleanant Valley Drive. See for more info.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Hi I've been in Jamacia for awhile. It was beautiful and warm and oh so nice. But guess what I came back to. You guest it. Ice and more Ice. Cold Weather It was in the 80s most of the time and humid but hey that bets the 30s anyday for me.

The one thing you see lots of
The one thing you see lots of
They are everywhere you go: in the streets, in the yards, all over the hillside everywhere no matter where you go; no matter what time of day there are goats.
And then there are these beautiful rainbows all over the island because it rains a lot on this side of the island unlike where we were last year. Which did hamper our work a lot but we were very successful or at least so I thought. All and all it was a great time and we did accomplish a great deal of mission work.
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