
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Saturday, December 22, 2012


The weather has been rather strange this week. One day it was so warm folks were running around in shorts. the next day folks were wearing coats and then the wind beginning to blow so hard that it was knocking things over. Tomorrow family members will start coming in and getting ready for the holidays. Some will stay here and others will stop here on there way to other family members. Its going to be a very confusing week for us but we will figure out a way to keep up with everyones schedules and how best to get folks form here to there and still get the cooking done and the packages wrapped. Its going to be wild. Won't be any time for working out in the Wilderness--photos will have to wait. Here's wishing you a Merry Merry Christmas! !

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Well this is a great day--not so good for photography though.  its rainy and stormy.  Seems I will be working inside today.  Lots to do anyway.  I've had my tree up for weeks now and I have already bought everything that I plan to buy with exception of a few gift cards and all that's wrapped.  I don't believe I've every been this far ahead of the game before. 

Husband went hunting and its not storming there.  My deer have not been here in over two months and since the RV Park is so busy of late I don't expect them to be coming back again.

I never did get Pansy planted maybe I will do that today.  It has stopped raining. Boy!  the birds are coming out to eat its rather late for them to be coming around but I guess since they not been able to get to there food they plan to take advantage of the time they have.

I think I too will go and take care of the Pansy.  Its suppose to be in the 70's most of this week so the Pansy will get a good start.  Its just nice and more plesant around a house when there is something pretty like flowers to look. at. 

Have a great day in the Wilderness.