
The Wilderness -- My Backyard - All of Arkansas

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Sunroom

The Wilderness--it does not know if it is suppose to be Winter or Spring.  Todays temp is 70 a far cry from last week.  This morning I woke up the birds just a singing and having a great time.  The chimes were just a clanging.  What a way to start the day.   Oh how I wanted to be out in the Wilderness but I new I had to get to work on the Sunroom.
I get tickled at John,  He says its a sunroom with no sun because its on the "north" side of the house.  It is finanlly starting to come together.  My son got the floor finished.  Next will be the chairs which are now white--they're out having the seats recovered.  The cabinet is almost finished its painted light green and the hardware is painted blue--it will be put together tomorrow.  The small table is another story but its getting there.  Before I could get started on the sunroom I had to go into town and you know what that means and it did just that.  Instead of spending 1 hour getting what I went after it took 3 hours which means my whole day was just waisted.  I went after a shower gift knowing I was going to get a mixer but when I went to get a mixer like I was ask to get it cost was a lot more than I planned to spend so I decided to get some mixing bowls to go with it but the store did not have porcelain bowls only glasss and that would not work.  So I ended up going to 3 other stores before I found some but at least now I don't have to worry about that anymore.  Maybe now I can shoot some photos of the birds. 
 Because of the tinted glass I can no longer shoot off my porch (sunroom) but thats OK I will come with another way. 
Well this is the last day of this month It doesn't seem like I been on this blog for a month but I have-- time goes by fast.  I hope that you have enjoy reading this as much as I have doing and hopefully you will join in next month.  See you in the Wilderness.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Fog

Yesterday was a very foggy, rainy day.  It was so thick it was hard to see what was in front of you and I hate driving in rain like this.  Due to the fog there wasn't much I could do.  It was really to cool to be out and about expecially with all the rain.  The Wilderness will just have to wait. 
Today is a beautiful day.  The sun is so bright you just have to be outside doing things.  How people can go to a mall and shop is beyond me.  The Wilderness is alive with all types of sounds and I want to be out among them.  There is lots of things that need to be photographed.  Today I will be going to Hot Springs up to the cabin and hopefully I will see some of God's creation.
The creeks are flowing really well right now; the water is running clear.  The Wilderness just needed a little rain to get its creeks flowing and then a little time to let the dirty water settle.  Tomorrow will be a great day for photographing waterfalls, creeks and old homesteads left behind.  
The photo club will be going to HS just off Hays Road on Saturday morning to photo the Swans.  If your in the area stop and say "Hi" you'll know which ones we are "We will have the cameras sitting on the tripods"  Have fun and enjoy the Wilderness. See Ya!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Recap for the Week

Boy!  Have I been busy the last few days.  Last week I shot photos of Longhorn cattle that a friend of mine has.  There were several cows and two bulls with Lon---g horns on them and there were times I was scared but I was re-ashured that I had nothing to be afraid of.  I will be taking the shot sheet to them today and hopefully they will be able to find something they like for there cards.  There's a lot of good shots and I hope they enjoy them as much as I did.
The next day we went to Prim, AR and shot photos of the Eagles.  On Thursday I went to HS and shot photos of the Swans and then my photoclub met and our guest speaker, Terry Boyd, shared a lot of photos concerning Alaska and what he does there.  He is offering photo tours there at special price which I just may have to take advantage of.  He too likes to shoot landscapes.
Saturday we had a birthday party for an 80 year old beautiful lady who goes to church with us.  We had a lot of fun. 
Last night, Sunday,  we had terrible weather here in the Wilderness--lighting and thundering--it was really bad not to mention how bad the rain was. 
Today I traveled down south but really did not find anything that I wanted to shoot--I got a late start and came back just past dark.  It had to be a fast trip.  Tomorrow does not look like it is going to be any different.  I told you--you don't have to leave your state to have a ball.
Well its Monday the best day of the week--because its a new beginning.  Tomorrow is suppose to beautiful.  I hope you have a wonderful week--get out in your Willderness where ever it might be  and enjoy it.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prim, Arkansas Eagles

On Thursday, we were up bright and early.  We had a two hour drive ahead of us and we wanted to get there while hopefully the eagles were still roosting.
  At our photo club last year I had hear about a group of eagles that like to roost in this area and would pretty much stay there all day long flying around.  So I marked my calendar for 2012 so I would not forget and sure enought I didn't.  I have found thats the best way to do it.  I  always keep an extra sheet of paper in my calender book (one with every month) that way when I here, see or learn of something thats going on this month and will be most likely happening next year I write all the information on it that I can get.
I got the directionsto Prim, AR and decided to go.  I know enought about birds to know that if you don't get there early or just before the sun goes down you will have missed them.  They like to leave their roost before the sun gets warm.  and even though you may see one up high in a tree they're not going to let you get to close to them.  Yesterday was a pleasant beautiful day for looking for eagles.  The temp high was 45f but it was so exciting looking for the eagles and watching them sore I really did not notice how cold I was.  A lady saw up trying to take pictures of the eagle and told us we could walk down thru her pastures and could get a better shot but they were flying so high that we decided to stay on the road. 
On the way home in Prim, AR we stopped and ate lunch at this Mexican Restruant.  The mexican food was pretty good and mine was really good I had a good old american hamburger.   
All and all it was a terrific day and we both know we will be going back to Prim, AR 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heber Springs

Yesterday was a busy day for me--so much to do.  First I had to take my tower down to have a driver that would allow me to download photos onto a CD-DVD whatever.  This would allow me to send things to other people and they would be able to look at my files.  For the last two years I have not been able to do this and did not care that I could not but others wanted it this was so like everyone else I must catch up with the times.  Second. at 1 am a friend and I had to go up to Heber Springs and take photos of the swans and I must say I got some good shots.  It was almost like they were posing for me.  She & I both wanted to be back in time for church so we left at 3:40 and had plenty of driving time.   The wind blew all night and I could here my wind chime making beautiful music whenever I'd wake up.  This morning when I woke for the last time thinking I should get early and do something productive I heard the music from the wind chime and laid there thinking how lucky I am to be able to start my day this way. 
I'm sitting here watching the birds flying back and forth and they're having such a good time, I want so badly to get out into the wilderness and take photos of them but knowing that the wind is blowing as hard as it is it would be just a wast of my time and photos to because the little feathers on their heads would be standing up. 
The temps today did not get very hi and the wind blew hard which verifies what I've always said about having a good tripod.  They may be heavy and hard to carry sometimes when your hiking but hey you building muscles in your legs and that a good thing.  Get out and enjoy the WILDERNESS--I do. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Yucky Day

Today is very gloomy.  There are lots of birds out at the feeders acting like they do when a snow storm is coming.  Not much else going on today.  I don't really feel like shooting photos today.  It is suppose to rain all weekend and then turn cold and it looks like it just may do that. Oh Well !!

Friday, January 6, 2012

This will become a record for me as to where and when I photographed.  Plans on when to return to make a better/different photo.  I will try to record things that happen or things I've seen while out photographing.  Today the temps are going to be in the high 60's so I doubt that I will be outdoors much.  We will most likely be raking leaves today.  Bailey our black lab loves to play in the leaves when someone is raking so maybe I will get some photos of that if so I'll post one.  Soon I will be planning a trip to Prim to take photos of the Eagles.  Eagles have been spotted around Lake Ouachita and If I did not have the "Pioneers" on Saturday I would head there then but obligation keeps me here.  I have to many things that I need to do and Its time for me to divide my day into fourths and assign one item to each forth and work on it each day until I have completed that task or at least am happy with it.  Normally I am very organized but since retirement I have put things off until its almost to late.  One of theses mornings when its cold enough around 20 degrees I'm going to go look for "Frost" flowers.  I will have to drive because no where close to here is it damp enough for them to produce and they don't last long so it will have to be a well planned trip.  Well I must go my husband will be here soon and he will need lunch before he starts raking leaves.  See Ya.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today I plan to wander out into the Wilderness to see what new adventures there are to be photographed.  It will be great to get out and see the place after being busy with family matters.  My son got my 4wheeler running and so i may just get it and ride as far into the Wilderness as I can.  Last night my husband, John, spotted a deer in the back yard, hopefully, they will return.  During this past year a group of seven would come around periodically feeding on the corn we had out for them.  We had some men build our porch into a sunroom and add a deck with a swing on it.  Having them here for such a long time seems to have scared them away(that and Deer Season).   Its hard to believe that its 2012 already and I plan to make this year count in my photography business.  This is just the beginning.  I hope you too will start something new and see it threw till the end.  Happy New Year.